
Schedule time to rest

Schedule time to rest

Hey Bloomers! 🌼💛 Life sometimes gets busy, and even overwhelming. During these periods, you may think that your time is better used working on all your deadlines and nothing else. After all, the more you work, the sooner you will finish. Right? Well, not necessarily. Today’s blog post will propose the idea that when you are busy, it may be productive to schedule time to rest. 


The power in pausing, as opposed to giving up

There are many things that are naturally known to empower people, for instance, pushing forward even when situations are not going as planned. Not pushing forward is often seen as giving up. However, it’s rarely considered that there’s a third alternative: Pausing. As much as there is power in pushing forward, there is also power in pausing. There is power in momentarily stopping in order to gather yourself again, and get back in the right state of mind. 


It’s okay to have a bad day 💖

In the middle of taking care of ourselves mentally, it is important not to put too much pressure on ourselves and understand that it’s perfectly okay to have a bad day. Not every day will be filled with rainbows and sunshine. We’re humans, and sometimes we will feel down. Embrace all those emotions and don’t try to sweep them under the rug.