
Goals for 2023: Remember to add wellness

Goals for 2023

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼šŸ’› As we are nearing the new year, many people across the world are writing down their goals for 2023. They are thinking of who they want to be and what they want to achieve. However, some people donā€™t focus on how they want to feel. This is possibly one of the most important categories of goals that can be made. So, Bloomers, the question is, do you also have wellness goals for 2023?


Protecting your peace can cause outside noise

Protecting your peace can cause outside noise

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼šŸ’› Protecting your peace can cause outside noise. Isnā€™t that ironic? When we hear the phrase ā€œprotecting your peaceā€, we often associate it with peace in its entirety. However, it might be wise to categorise this type of peace and separate it from another, in order to effectively protect it. What may need protection is inward peace, because it is difficult and most times impossible to control the world outside of yourself.Ā 


You canā€™t pour from an empty cup

You can't pour from an empty cup

We often hear the phrase ā€œyou canā€™t pour from an empty cupā€ discussed in relation to taking care of other people, but I would like to offer a different perspective. This phrase can be used when considering your relationship with yourself. You canā€™t pour into different areas of your life if youā€™re not taking care of yourself. 


Accessing peace through Biblical declarations šŸ“–

Hey Bloomers! šŸ’›šŸŒ¼ Matthew ch 4 vs 4: But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ā€˜People do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of Godā€™ “. One important take away from the story in Matthew ch 4 is that Jesus fought back using the Word of God. There are many unwanted thoughts people have that can be quietened by declaring the Word of God. This blog post will focus on how you can access peace through Biblical declarations. Ā 


Speaking highly of yourself: 3 practical methods

Hey Bloomers! šŸ’›šŸŒ¼ In the last blog post, there was a discussion about speaking highly of yourself, and as promised, this one will provide practical methods for you to begin doing so. When approaching anything new in life, it is always helpful to have a starting point. Approach this blog post as just that, a starting point for you to start speaking highly of yourself. Because these are practical methods, challenge yourself to start at least one of these things immediately, and track your progress. 


Speak highly of yourself

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼ If you were asked to list the last ten kind or empowering things you said to yourself, would you be able to fill up that list? So often people go through life either saying unkind things to themselves, or simply not making an effort to be conscious about the way they describe themselves. This blog post will challenge that, and encourage you to speak highly of yourself.Ā 


You can find evidence of anything in your life

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼ You are capable of deciding what you want your reality to be, partly through the power of perception. You can find evidence of anything in your life, and that is why it is crucial to focus your attention on things that are beneficial, instead of those that have adverse impacts. Whatever you want to believe, you will find evidence for. This is both a power and a curse, and you need to use the former while disregarding the latter. 


Self-love is also about accountability

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼ The idea of self-love is often associated with activities and actions that are meant to make you feel good about yourself. Although this is absolutely correct, itā€™s important to realise that there is also an ā€œuglyā€ side to self-love, a side that requires you to feel bad before you can feel good. This blog post is focused on one such side: self-love is also about accountability.Ā 


A good day is created, not hoped for

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼ Todayā€™s blog post is inspired by Anthony Robinsā€™ book, ā€œAwaken the giant withinā€. This book has a lot of valuable lessons in it but the one that we will focus on today centres around the idea that a good day is created, not hoped for. 


How do I keep up with all these journals?

Hey Bloomers! šŸŒ¼ You are probably already aware of the wonderful, life changing thing known as journaling, and all the amazing benefits that it brings with it. If not, I dedicated a whole blog post to it HERE. However, you may also be aware that there are many, different types of journals. Because of this, the question sometimes becomes: How do I keep up with all these journals?Ā