Hey Bloomers! 🌼 We have reached the end of the year and for most people, this is a time of reflection. It is a time to reflect on whether or not they were happy with the way they lived their life throughout the year, and if there are any things they would like to do differently in the year ahead. This blog post will look at an alternative to vision boards, and how one can set goals for the year ahead.
Category: Uncategorized
Fatigue – Servicing the car 🚗
Hey Bloomers! 🌼 I have used the car metaphor before in THIS article, but today I am going to dedicate a whole blog post to it. As we draw towards the end of the year, life becomes busy. It seems as if there is deadline after deadline and no time to rest. However, in the midst of all the chaos, you have to see yourself as a car – and cars need servicing.
Hey Bloomers! 🌼 Has one thing ever gone wrong and ruined your entire day? Today we’re going to discuss a concept known as negative bias. Negative bias is responsible for a lot of bad days. My hope is that after reading this article, you’ll be more aware of this bias and hence not allow it to ruin your days. After all, it’s difficult to change what we’re unaware of. Or win a fight we don’t even know we’re a part of.
Getting your head back in the game
Hey Bloomers! 🌼 This blog post is about getting your head back in the game, and we’re going to use football as a reference point. (Liverpool of course 😌😂).
Hey Bloomers! 🌼 As we go about our work, it’s important to set aside time for ourselves in order to ensure that we’re well taken care of. Unfortunately, things don’t always go this way. Sometimes we find that we’re extremely busy, with little to no time to spare for ourselves. It is therefore important to have a ready prepared self-care plan that you can implement during these times. Chances are, you may not have the energy nor time to create a plan then and you’ll fall into the trap of neglecting yourself, so having one on standby is beneficial. Today, we’ll be having a discussion about practicing self-care when busy or overwhelmed.
There are many things that are naturally known to empower people, for instance, pushing forward even when situations are not going as planned. Not pushing forward is often seen as giving up. However, it’s rarely considered that there’s a third alternative: Pausing. As much as there is power in pushing forward, there is also power in pausing. There is power in momentarily stopping in order to gather yourself again, and get back in the right state of mind.
Let’s talk about self-love
I am excited to introduce you all to the blog’s first guest writer, Munyasha Mutsambiwa. In this post, he discusses SELF-LOVE, something we have to master if we truly desire to live happy lives. I found it helpful, and I am confident that you will too. So, let’s talk about self-love.
Self-care ideas and tips ✨
In the blog post I wrote last time, which you can find HERE, I gave the ultimate guide to self-care. Towards the end, I promised that I would write a separate post focusing on self-care ideas and tips. This is that post ☺️
The ultimate guide to self-care✨
The single most important person that you’re responsible for taking care of is yourself. From an inward approach, you can’t reach your peak mental and physical state when you’re not practising self-care. A better version of you is unleashed when you start taking care of yourself. From an outward approach, you can’t love people when you have not learnt to love yourself. You can’t take care of others when you barely know how to take care of yourself. As the popular saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. Because of the important role it plays, this is going to be the ultimate guide to self-care.
Vision board ideas for 2021
As today is the last Monday of 2020, this is my last blog post of the year. I have decided to dedicate this post to discussing a concept that will enable you to make the most out of this new year: vision boards. I presume that there are many different things you’d want to achieve in the coming year. An effective way to tackle these goals is by physically seeing them and one way to achieve this is through the creation of a vision board. At the end of the blog post, there are going to be some vision board ideas for 2021 ☺️ So, let’s get started.