
What if everything goes well? (Reframing thoughts)

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 If you read my previous blog post about negative bias, you will know that our brains are hard wired to focus on the negative, and it is our duty to recognise and deal with that. The negative bias concept raises the issue that is going to be discussed in this blog post: reframing thoughts. 


Best lesson I learnt from having a gratitude journal

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 This life thing has its ups and downs. The best way to go about it is to enjoy all the ups, and be prepared to cope with the downs (at least some of them). That way when they do come, you have techniques to help yourself solder through the problems. This is best lesson I learnt from having a gratitude journal: having a prior list of blessings to reflect on can help you on days when the sun seems to have been replaced by dark clouds. 


We’re magicians: Making negative thoughts disappear and positive ones reappear

It is essential to realise and appreciate the power you have over your thoughts. One can have a bad day simply because they entertained a bad thought. You may not necessarily be able to control what comes into your mind, but you can definitely control the way you react to it, together with the length of time it stays in your mind. And that realisation is a game changer.