
2022, the year of_____?

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 We have reached the end of the year and for most people, this is a time of reflection. It is a time to reflect on whether or not they were happy with the way they lived their life throughout the year, and if there are any things they would like to do differently in the year ahead. This blog post will look at an alternative to vision boards, and how one can set goals for the year ahead. 


It’s okay to deviate from time frames ⏰

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 Many of us are guilty of the issue that is going to be discussed in this blog post: making random life predictions and then becoming highly affected when they are not achieved. This ranges from the little things such as “I am going to go through three chapters today” to more significant things like “I am going to have a house by 30”. It’s important not to measure your value against these statements or leave no room for disappointment because it’s okay to deviate from time frames. 


Feeling overwhelmed? One step at a time 👣

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 When you start something new, thinking about finishing can be overwhelming. This is because the end goal is usually somewhere very far, and the thought of what it will take to get there may be daunting. When feeling overwhelmed, the trick is to focus on one step at a time. 


What if everything goes well? (Reframing thoughts)

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 If you read my previous blog post about negative bias, you will know that our brains are hard wired to focus on the negative, and it is our duty to recognise and deal with that. The negative bias concept raises the issue that is going to be discussed in this blog post: reframing thoughts. 


Fatigue – Servicing the car 🚗

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 I have used the car metaphor before in THIS article, but today I am going to dedicate a whole blog post to it. As we draw towards the end of the year, life becomes busy. It seems as if there is deadline after deadline and no time to rest. However, in the midst of all the chaos, you have to see yourself as a car – and cars need servicing. 


Remember why you started

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 The beginning of a journey is extremely exciting and full of possibilities. However, as it usually goes, the journey begins to get difficult and the excitement wears off. And in that moment, you have to remember why you started. 


We don’t have to live life the same

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 One thing that many people forget or are sadly unaware of is the fact that we don’t have to live life the same. It may be difficult to come to this realisation, or fully tap into it, because it may require going against what everyone else is doing. However, it’s necessary because living life for oneself and living in one’s truth is what makes it worthwhile. 


Negative bias: Understanding the concept

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 Has one thing ever gone wrong and ruined your entire day? Today we’re going to discuss a concept known as negative bias. Negative bias is responsible for a lot of bad days. My hope is that after reading this article, you’ll be more aware of this bias and hence not allow it to ruin your days. After all, it’s difficult to change what we’re unaware of. Or win a fight we don’t even know we’re a part of. 


Getting your head back in the game

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 This blog post is about getting your head back in the game, and we’re going to use football as a reference point. (Liverpool of course 😌😂).


Reminder to reflect on how far you’ve come

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 Today I wanted to give you a reminder to reflect on how far you’ve come. It’s a beautiful thing that we’re always looking for ways to improve the different aspects of our lives. Evolving is not only helpful, it’s necessary. HOWEVER, sometimes you just have to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come. You’ll be glad you did it.