
How to remain happy while working for more

Remain happy while working for more

Hey Bloomers! 🌼💛 It is a commendable thing to be in the pursuit of becoming a better version of yourself. This usually involves certain goals that you want to meet in order to reach that place. However, it’s important not to tie your happiness to an end goal. Even before reaching your goals, you can be in a state of happiness, or at least contentment. This blog post is therefore a discussion on how to remain happy while working for more. 


You can find evidence of anything in your life

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 You are capable of deciding what you want your reality to be, partly through the power of perception. You can find evidence of anything in your life, and that is why it is crucial to focus your attention on things that are beneficial, instead of those that have adverse impacts. Whatever you want to believe, you will find evidence for. This is both a power and a curse, and you need to use the former while disregarding the latter. 


Let’s talk about self-love

I am excited to introduce you all to the blog’s first guest writer, Munyasha Mutsambiwa. In this post, he discusses SELF-LOVE, something we have to master if we truly desire to live happy lives. I found it helpful, and I am confident that you will too. So, let’s talk about self-love. 


Several beneficial reasons to start journaling

Journaling is a key that helps to unlock an emotionally smarter version of ourselves and unfortunately, many people do not utilize this extremely useful key. We can win the battles that go on in our minds when we’re stressed or we’re overthinking by taking out those emotions and putting them down on a paper or a screen through journaling.


Have you taken the time to meet yourself?

It’s possible for a person to be going through life without ever having met themself. The whole idea behind meeting yourself sounds outrageous. After all, you’ve known yourself since the day you were born, right? Wrong. Throughout our lives, we meet different people and we create relationships with them.


Enjoy each season of life

Happiness is found in appreciating and enjoying every season you’re in. There is a lot of negativity that comes with expecting to be happy when you’ve reached a different season in your life. “I will be happy when I’ve graduated”, “I will be happy when I’m rich”, “I will be happy when I am married”. So in the meantime, are you going to be unhappy because you’re still in school? Are you going to be unhappy because you don’t have a lot of money?


Unlocking a better version of YOU

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are” ~ Max Depree

This seems like a simple and straightforward quote, yet in its simple-ness and straightforward-ness, there is hidden complexity. This complexity comes in that you need to first call yourself out on your bad habits and toxic traits before you can become the person you aspire to be.


We’re magicians: Making negative thoughts disappear and positive ones reappear

It is essential to realise and appreciate the power you have over your thoughts. One can have a bad day simply because they entertained a bad thought. You may not necessarily be able to control what comes into your mind, but you can definitely control the way you react to it, together with the length of time it stays in your mind. And that realisation is a game changer.


Finding the balance between self-love and bettering yourself

The connection between these two concepts is simple: in order to better yourself, you need to first love yourself. It’s principal to accept who you are and love yourself for it. All your strengths, weaknesses, powers, and flaws. Only through loving who you are, can you tap into the magnificent world of bettering yourself.


Going with the Flow of Life

Many problems are solved when you stop fighting with the current and learn how to go with the flow. Before getting into this, it is important to understand that you have to deal with a problem mentally before you face it in the physical world. It all begins in the mind. A prerequisite for winning a battle externally is winning it internally.