
Evaluate your circle

Hey Bloomers! 🌼💛 It is vital to be particular about who you choose to be a part of your inner circle. Although we are all individuals capable of making our own decisions and achieving our goals, there are times when we will seek the guidance, counsel or help of those around us.

In those times, you need to be assured that you are surrounded by people who love you and will do their best to point you in the correct direction. Again, the final decision is always your own. But the words that you are constantly surrounded by may infiltrate your thinking, even subconsciously. 

Two are better than one

Additionally, you need people in your circle that you can rely on. This makes life easier. As the Bible says in Ecclesiastes ch 4 vs 9-12: 

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour:If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Friendship is one of the greatest joys of life. It means that you have companions to enjoy life with, and share mutual love and support. This is the way friendship should feel. You deserve to be surrounded by people who care about you, add sunshine to your life, and are willing to always be honest with you. These are some of the things you can consider when constructing your inner circle. Please share other things YOU consider when constructing your inner circle in the comments section below!

Lastly, all this does not only go one way. You should also aim to be a person who adds value to those around them. Aim to be someone that others are proud to have in their circle. Be the friend you want others to be to you.


Sending you lots of love and light, Bloomers 💛🔆🌼

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15 replies on “Evaluate your circle”

So sad to hear that. Well, from the interactions I’ve had with you I know you’re an amaaaazing person so their loss!! 😌 And what’s meant to be will always be 💛

A great script right there. Two are better than one the power of synergy. I support that and coming 2nd to people basically for me I offer a service to someone that should Is of benefit to them and if they don’t treasure it i dont seek for their evaluation. How you portray yourself in the world and values will help you attract the same birds that will align with your interests.

So true, one must always be careful who they let into their lives. I know from experience, that not everyone has the best intentions for you. So always be careful to only let in those that will enhance your life. Great post!

I totally agree with this especially the last part. To have a friend is to be one. Thank you so much for the advice, it’s always so helpful.

Indeed, having people that love, treasure and support you is important. I am enthralled by your brilliant insights all the time. Thank you, Ruva.

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