
The benefits of focusing on your lane 🛣

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 As we go through our lives, we sometimes become distracted by what’s happening in other people’s lanes. These distractions make what would have been an otherwise bearable journey, absolutely difficult. I mean, how can you drive effectively in lane 3 when you’re concerned with what’s happening in lane 7? 


Standing again after falling

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 This is Tanyaradzwa: 🚶🏾‍♀️She is walking to her car after a busy day at work. Suddenly, she falls. Is she going to stay there, on the ground, for the rest of her life? No. Common sense tells Tanya to pick herself up, and continue her journey to her car. In the same way, common sense should always tell us that even in more complex situations, the principle is the same: standing again after falling should not be a choice, it should be mandatory. We can’t allow ourselves to stay on the ground forever. (P.S. Yes, that’s that Tanyaradzwa from THIS post, she’s grown now 😂). 


The small wins add up

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 Today, I have one beautiful reminder: the small wins add up. Celebration and feelings of accomplishment don’t have to be reserved for the big wins only. This is because every little achievement that you make builds on to the next and before you know it, you have accomplished something great. So, don’t be dismissive of the small wins, they add up. 


Practicing self-care when busy or overwhelmed

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 As we go about our work, it’s important to set aside time for ourselves in order to ensure that we’re well taken care of. Unfortunately, things don’t always go this way. Sometimes we find that we’re extremely busy, with little to no time to spare for ourselves. It is therefore important to have a ready prepared self-care plan that you can implement during these times. Chances are, you may not have the energy nor time to create a plan then and you’ll fall into the trap of neglecting yourself, so having one on standby is beneficial. Today, we’ll be having a discussion about practicing self-care when busy or overwhelmed.


How to use social media wisely | Comparison

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 First things first: your peace of mind is extremely important. Keep that in mind as we have this discussion. People are divided on the issue of social media. Some believe that it’s destroying our lives, others believe that it’s super beneficial, and then there are those who lie in between these two groups. This blog post is for the people who want to continue using social media, but acknowledge that it comes with some toxicity. The best way to deal with the adverse effects is learning how to use social media wisely, and this blog post will help will that. 


What will people say?

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 This is a four worded question that has enough power to mess up one’s life and future, as well as suppress any potential. We live in a world full of opportunities that can drastically improve our lives. These could be in the professional as well as personal spheres. It’s impossible to fully tap into your potential and reach a place where you’re genuinely happy, and crushing your goals if you keep asking yourself this question: what will people say? 


Why it’s important to focus on the present

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 If you crave more peace in your life, train yourself to focus on the present. Putting your energy into obsessing over the past or worrying about the future is adding nothing valuable to your life. All that it’s doing is removing from your peace. Peace is in the present. Repeat those words to yourself when you deviate from simply focusing on where you are NOW. This post will discuss why it’s important to focus on the present. 


Best lesson I learnt from having a gratitude journal

Hey Bloomers! 🌼 This life thing has its ups and downs. The best way to go about it is to enjoy all the ups, and be prepared to cope with the downs (at least some of them). That way when they do come, you have techniques to help yourself solder through the problems. This is best lesson I learnt from having a gratitude journal: having a prior list of blessings to reflect on can help you on days when the sun seems to have been replaced by dark clouds. 


Making the negatives work for you

A very important part of life is accepting that messed up things happen sometimes. It would be great if all of our life experiences were positive and we spent our days happy with zero worry, stress or sadness. But unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Bad things do happen and negative experiences become a part of our stories. Some things, admittedly, are just so horrible that it’s nearly impossible to see any good in them. But with the lesser extremes, it’s possible to reach a place where you start making the negatives work for you. 


The power in pausing, as opposed to giving up

There are many things that are naturally known to empower people, for instance, pushing forward even when situations are not going as planned. Not pushing forward is often seen as giving up. However, it’s rarely considered that there’s a third alternative: Pausing. As much as there is power in pushing forward, there is also power in pausing. There is power in momentarily stopping in order to gather yourself again, and get back in the right state of mind.